65 research outputs found

    VisTAS:Blockchain-based Visible and Trusted Remote Authentication System

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    The information security domain focuses on security needs at all levels in a computing environment in either the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Cloud of Things, or any other implementation. Data, devices, services, or applications and communication are required to be protected and provided by information security shields at all levels and in all working states. Remote authentication is required to perform different administrative operations in an information system, and Administrators have full access to the system and may pose insider threats. Superusers and administrators are the most trusted persons in an organisation. ā€œTrust but verifyā€ is an approach to have an eye on the superusers and administrators. Distributed ledger technology (Blockchain-based data storage) is an immutable data storage scheme and provides a built-in facility to share statistics among peers. Distributed ledgers are proposed to provide visible security and non-repudiation, which securely records administratorsā€™ authentications requests. The presence of security, privacy, and accountability measures establish trust among its stakeholders. Securing information in an electronic data processing system is challenging, i.e., providing services and access control for the resources to only legitimate users. Authentication plays a vital role in systemsā€™ security; therefore, authentication and identity management are the key subjects to provide information security services. The leading cause of information security breaches is the failure of identity management/authentication systems and insider threats. In this regard, visible security measures have more deterrence than other schemes. In this paper, an authentication scheme, ā€œVisTAS,ā€ has been introduced, which provides visible security and trusted authentication services to the tenants and keeps the records in the blockchain

    A semantic rule based digital fraud detection

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    Digital fraud has immensely affected ordinary consumers and the finance industry. Our dependence on internet banking has made digital fraud a substantial problem. Financial institutions across the globe are trying to improve their digital fraud detection and deterrence capabilities. Fraud detection is a reactive process, and it usually incurs a cost to save the system from an ongoing malicious activity. Fraud deterrence is the capability of a system to withstand any fraudulent attempts. Fraud deterrence is a challenging task and researchers across the globe are proposing new solutions to improve deterrence capabilities. In this work, we focus on the very important problem of fraud deterrence. Our proposed work uses an Intimation Rule Based (IRB) alert generation algorithm. These IRB alerts are classified based on severity levels. Our proposed solution uses a richer domain knowledge base and rule-based reasoning. In this work, we propose an ontology-based financial fraud detection and deterrence model

    MobChain:Three-Way Collusion Resistance in Witness-Oriented Location Proof Systems Using Distributed Consensus

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    Smart devices have accentuated the importance of geolocation information. Geolocation identification using smart devices has paved the path for incentive-based location-based services (LBS). However, a userā€™s full control over a smart device can allow tampering of the location proof. Witness-oriented location proof systems (LPS) have emerged to resist the generation of false proofs and mitigate collusion attacks. However, witness-oriented LPS are still susceptible to three-way collusion attacks (involving the user, location authority, and the witness). To overcome the threat of three-way collusion in existing schemes, we introduce a decentralized consensus protocol called MobChain in this paper. In this scheme the selection of a witness and location authority is achieved through a distributed consensus of nodes in an underlying P2P network that establishes a private blockchain. The persistent provenance data over the blockchain provides strong security guarantees; as a result, the forging and manipulation of location becomes impractical. MobChain provides secure location provenance architecture, relying on decentralized decision making for the selection of participants of the protocol thereby addressing the three-way collusion problem. Our prototype implementation and comparison with the state-of-the-art solutions show that MobChain is computationally efficient and highly available while improving the security of LPS

    Job Interactivity Using a Steering Service in an Interactive Grid Analysis Environment

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    Grid computing has been dominated by the execution of batch jobs. Interactive data analysis is a new domain in the area of grid job execution. The Grid-Enabled Analysis Environment (GAE) attempts to address this in HEP grids by the use of a Steering Service. This service will provide physicists with the continuous feedback of their jobs and will provide them with the ability to control and steer the execution of their submitted jobs. It will enable them to move their jobs to different grid nodes when desired. The Steering Service will also act autonomously to make steering decisions on behalf of the user, attempting to optimize the execution of the job. This service will also ensure the optimal consumption of the Grid user's resource quota. The Steering Service will provide a web service interface defined by standard WSDL. In this paper we have discussed how the Steering Service will facilitate interactive remote analysis of data generated in Interactive Grid Analysis Environment

    Čimbenici koji utječu na akademsku uspjeÅ”nost međunarodnih studenata u Kini: teorija pristupa razumnoga djelovanja

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    This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the academic performance of international doctoral students in China. In particular, using insights from the theory of reasoned action, this study analyzed the interplay of academic attitude, subjective norms, knowledge-seeking intention, and academic performance. Data were collected from 415 international doctoral students from six universities in China (61.4 % male, 38.6 % female, 45.5 % Asian, 40 % African, 9.4 % European and 5.1 % American). SPSS (version 23) and AMOS (version 22) were used for data analyses. While academic attitude, subjective norms and knowledge-seeking intentions were found to be positively associated with academic performance, knowledge-seeking intentions mediated the positive relationships of academic attitude and subjective norms with academic performance. The findings suggest that studentsā€™ positive attitude toward studies and subjective norms are critical to their academic performance. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.Ovo je istraživanje imalo za cilj istražiti čimbenike koji utječu na akademsku izvedbu međunarodnih doktorskih studija u Kini. Konkretno, koristeći uvide iz teorije razumnoga djelovanja, u ovoj se studiji analiziralo međudjelovanje akademskoga stava, subjektivnih normi, namjere traženja znanja i akademskoga uspjeha. Podatci su prikupljeni od 415 studenata međunarodnnih doktorskih studija sa Å”est sveučiliÅ”ta u Kini (muÅ”karci = 61,4 %, žene = 38,6 %; Azijci = 45,5 %, Afrikanci = 40 %, Europljani 9,4 % i Amerikanci 5,1 %). Za analizu podataka koriÅ”teni su SPSS (verzija 23) i AMOS (verzija 22). Utvrđeno je da su akademski stav, subjektivne norme i namjere traženja znanja pozitivno povezani s akademskim uspjehom, a namjere traženja znanja posreduju u pozitivnim odnosima akademskoga stava i subjektivnih normi s akademskim uspjehom. Nalazi upućuju na to da su pozitivan stav studentata prema studiju i subjektivne norme ključni za njihov akademski uspjeh. Raspravljaju se implikacije za teoriju i praksu

    A strong construction of S-box using Mandelbrot set an image encryption scheme

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    The substitution box (S-box) plays a vital role in creating confusion during the encryption process of digital data. The quality of encryption schemes depends upon the S-box. There have been several attempts to enhance the quality of the S-box by using fractal chaotic mechanisms. However, there is still weakness in the robustness against cryptanalysis of fractal-based S-boxes. Due to their chaotic behavior, fractals are frequently employed to achieve randomness by confusion and diffusion process. A complex number-based S-box and a chaotic map diffusion are proposed to achieve high nonlinearity and low correlation. This study proposed a Mandelbrot set S-box construction based on the complex number and Chen chaotic map for resisting cryptanalytic attacks by creating diffusion in our proposed algorithm. The cryptosystem was built on the idea of substitution permutation networks (SPN). The complex nature of the proposed S-box makes it more random than other chaotic maps. The robustness of the proposed system was analyzed by different analysis properties of the S-box, such as nonlinearity, strict avalanche criterion, Bit independent criterion, and differential and linear probability. Moreover, to check the strength of the proposed S-box against differential and brute force attacks, we performed image encryption with the proposed S-box. The security analysis was performed, including statistical attack analysis and NIST analysis. The analysis results show that the proposed system achieves high-security standards than existing schemes

    Blockchain Adaptability in Internet of Thing (IoT) Environments

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    Blockchain is a considered to be a disruptive technology as like an Internet. The features of blockchain are giving more expectations in their applications. Internet of Things is emerging day by day with millions of connecting devices. Even though Internet of Things is evolving, the security of the internet of things is questionable with its architecture
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